Sunday, 30 May 2010

Jungle, green, mosquitos, more green... and a sword.

Very busy at the moment so I only had time for a jungle doodle :)


yanndanh said...

I love it!
One day we'll make a movie IN THE JUNGLE... An adventure feature! YOUHOUUUU!

Take care philou.

Your friend.


Philippe Gaulier said...

Ok I'm in, start writing Yannou ;)
See you soon!!
And fingers crossed for "A tout prix"!

Carmen Chow said...

Beautiful work Philippe! Stumbled upon your blog and I'm hoookkked.

Philippe Gaulier said...

Hi Carguin, thank you very much :)

Cinéfeeling said...

Ah bah voila, Yannou agree! Let's do it!:D

Encore un superbe dessin, bien ambiance:)

Ca manque en plus je trouve les films d'aventures plus dark visuellement?

Unknown said...

These are incredible, how do you create them? Is it done electronically? I am way over awed!

Philippe Gaulier said...

Hi Nici, a very, very, very late reply:
This particular image was done entirely in Photoshop,first using a 100% opacity brush with black, then adding a bit of light and colour using simple flat colours and a few gradiants. The black is on the top layer (in multiply mode) and the colour layers are underneath.
I usually prefer to do the first pass with a brush pen or a marker on paper, then scan it but in this case, it was done in the spur of the moment.
Thanks for your comment ;)