Saturday, 10 March 2012

Moebius/Jean Giraud passed away today...

(8 May 1938 – 10 March 2012)

It is very hard to express how much he meant to me as an artist and surely to several generations of artists around the globe.
He constantly reinvented himself throughout his long and prolific career and has been part or influenced some of the most iconic movies of all time such as Alien, Tron, Blade Runner, the Abyss... etc as well as being an amazing comic book artist and illustrator (The Incal, Arzach, Blueberry...).
I still can't believe he's gone but he will without any doubt continue to influence generations of artists to come...


Michel Fesquet said...
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Michel Fesquet said...

Hello Philours
un bail qu'on ne s'est pas croisé.
Je découvre ton blog.. vraiment très sympa ton taff :)

Pour en revenir au génial Giraud/Moebius, "2" liens pour mémoire de l'homme si jamais tu ne les a jamais vu:
>> Mœbius Redux - Une vie en images:
>> Tac-au-tac de Jean Frappat:
(la liste sur cette page ;))

grosse biz du frog du sud ;)

Image Processing Services India said...

just gorgeous!

Philippe Gaulier said...

Hey Mich! Ca fait un bail en effet!
Merci pour ton commentaire et pour les liens.
J'espere que tout se passe bien pour toi.
A bientot a Paris, Londres, ou ailleurs.

Posting Load and Truck said...

This post actually made my day.