Wednesday 23 March 2011

More bus, underground and table corner doodles...

Here are a few more sketches (shaded in Photoshop).
As soon as I have a bit more time, I'll post some more of these as my collection of sketchbooks start piling up :)


  1. Cool thanks buddy !!
    always a pleasure to appreciate your work.

  2. Thank you Steve! I really enjoy making those little sketches on my morning and evening journeys, it makes travelling in the London tube more bearable ;)
    Thanks Yannou :) I'll try and take the time to post more of those sketches in the future.

  3. Sweet stuff Philippe I always like the humour in your sketches. I still have the "swim suit sam" sketch you did many years back.

    hope your well s

  4. Thanks Sam :)
    Glad you kept the sketch hehe ;)
    So when are we going to see you again in London?

  5. Beautiful sketches and drawings throughout this blog..
