Thursday 3 June 2010

Dogo Argentino studies

Here are some studies from ref that I've done a couple of months ago.
An illustration should have followed those sketches... it was part of our very organized and clever plan (at the time) with my friend Simon to make an illustration/week, but I guess we both got sidetracked because it never happened...
Maybe some time soon...

Should I also mention that this was only the third one of a list... of 100!

Oh well...


  1. Great sketches Phillipe!
    Love them all!:o)

  2. God! You are able of so different styles!! Very nice sketches!!

  3. Thanks Andrei ;)

    Thank you Yann, it's nice sometimes to escape from the Wacom and go back to the good old sketchbook :)

    Thank you Georges!

  4. Yes, let's do it for god's sake!! It's just 100 illustrations after all, not such a scary number.
    Let's do this dog chasing a rabbit! :)

  5. I've shown your blog to my sister and brother in law and they were impressed by your skiils and the diversity of styles you can perform!!
    I totally agree with them.
    "Goooodd... Jooooobb... Good Job." Handcock.

  6. Thanks Yannou :)
    Grosses bises a toute ta famille!

  7. Fantastic Blog! Great dog sketches too, very nice Phillippe!

  8. Wow, beautiful sketches. I love how versatile your are! The iron man stuff is sick too.
