Wednesday 26 May 2010

Homage to "The Iron Giant"

It wasn't originally meant to be an homage but after a few people told me "oh it's the Iron Giant isn't it?" I didn't really have a choice :)
Gotta watch it again soon!


  1. sweet stuff man. I really like how you explore different styles

  2. Hi Chase, thank you.
    I like to switch from one technique or style to another to keep the excitement going :)

  3. haha ah well its a good homage none the less if not intentional! Fantastic film I might add...

  4. Loved it!:O)More of this kind of stuff Philippe!

  5. Thanks Andrei, I was planning on making a few more pics in that style. :)

    Thank you Ken, and yes, amazing movie indeed and one of the best robot design ever, along with the Miyazaki "Laputa" robot and a few others :)

  6. hey nice blog and some cool images here ! The Iron Giant !! one of my most repected movies ! Great image btw !

  7. Thanks Deny :)
    It's funny because when the Iron Giant came out, I thought at first that it would be one of those cheesy and predictable story with a moral at the end... I was up for a pleasantly good surprise :)
